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EOH Holdings Ltd.: From Blacklist to Market Confidence through Corporate Structure and Governance
作者姓名:Morris Mthombeni, Amy Moore, Mike Ward
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:W25094
出版日期:2021/10/26內容長度:25 頁

The share price of EOH Holdings Ltd. (EOH), a company listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and Africa’s largest technology service provider, decreased by over 30 per cent in December 2017 following allegations of fraud in relation to a corporate action within the group. Despite strong denials by the then–group chief executive officer (CEO), Zunaid Mayet, EOH’s market value continued to plummet, from a peak of 22 billion South African rand to .....more

EOH Holdings Ltd.: From Blacklist to Market Confidence through Corporate Structure and Governance - Teaching Note
作者姓名:Morris Mthombeni, Amy Moore, Mike Ward
出版日期:2021/10/26內容長度:17 頁

Teaching note for product W25094.